What is a SharePoint List? A Complete Guide to SharePoint Lists

what is a sharepoint list
Discover what is a SharePoint list and their key components and benefits this comprehensive guide.

Understanding SharePoint Lists

Have you ever wondered ‘What is a SharePoint list?’. Well, a SharePoint list is a collection of data that is organized into rows and columns.

It is similar to a table in a database or a spreadsheet in Excel.

Each row in a SharePoint list represents an item, and each column represents a field or attribute of that item.

SharePoint lists can be used to store and manage various types of data, such as contacts, tasks, announcements, and documents.

They provide a structured way to store and organize information, making it easier for users to find and collaborate on data.

SharePoint lists can also be customized to include additional columns, validation rules, and workflows.

Understanding SharePoint lists is essential for effectively utilizing SharePoint’s collaboration and document management capabilities.

Creating and Customizing Lists

The first actionable step in understanding what is a SharePoint list is creating a SharePoint list. This is a straightforward process.

Users with the necessary permissions can create a new list by navigating to the desired site and selecting the ‘Add an app’ option.

From the list of available apps, they can choose ‘Custom List’ to create a new list.

Once the list is created, users can customize it by adding or removing columns, setting column types, and defining validation rules.

They can also apply formatting options to enhance the appearance of the list and make it more user-friendly.

Customizing SharePoint lists allows users to tailor the list structure to their specific requirements and improve data accuracy and consistency.

Managing List Data

Managing list data involves adding, editing, and deleting items within a SharePoint list.

Users can add new items by clicking on the ‘New Item’ button and filling in the required fields.

They can edit existing items by selecting the item and making the necessary changes.

To delete an item, users can select it and choose the ‘Delete’ option.

SharePoint lists also provide features for sorting and filtering data, allowing users to easily find specific items.

Additionally, users can create views to display the list data in different ways, such as by grouping items or applying custom filters.

Effective management of list data ensures that the information remains accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible to users.

Implementing Permissions and Security

Implementing permissions and security measures is crucial for protecting sensitive data stored in SharePoint lists.

SharePoint provides a robust security model that allows administrators to control access to lists and list items.

Permissions can be assigned at the site level, list level, or even down to the individual item level.

Administrators can define user roles and assign appropriate permissions to each role.

They can also configure versioning and auditing settings to track changes made to list data and monitor user activity.

By implementing permissions and security measures, organizations can ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive information and maintain data integrity and confidentiality.

To learn more about how you can unlock managing permissions visit ProvisionPoint.

Utilizing Advanced Features

SharePoint lists offer a range of advanced features that enhance their functionality and usability.

One such feature is the ability to create workflows, which automate business processes and streamline collaboration.

Workflows can be used to route documents for approval, send notifications, and enforce business rules.

Another advanced feature is the integration with Microsoft PowerApps and Microsoft Flow, which allows users to build custom forms and automate workflows.

SharePoint lists also support the use of calculated columns, which can perform calculations based on values from other columns.

Additionally, users can create views with custom filters, sorting, and grouping options to display list data in a more meaningful way.


By utilizing these advanced features, organizations can optimize their use of SharePoint lists and improve productivity and efficiency.

Some out of the box features for SharePoint list management may be limiting to organization wanting to do more with their data. KWIZ offers tools like List View Plus and List Aggregator included in Data View Plus to help you visualize and manage lists and list elements.